Friday, February 18, 2011

Scared of the Dark...

Poor Mykita is scared of the dark.  She hasn't been at all until tonight when I went to turn off the lights she started screaming.  When I asked her why she was upset she said "monsters, monsters...and boo boos"  I felt so awful and tried to explain to her what a nightlight was and how tinkerbelle would keep her safe.  Then I showed her how to throw a punch and told her if any monsters came she could beat them up.  She was still not happy so I let her fall asleep in mommy and daddy's bed.  Poor cutie, I hope she has sweet dreams!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mykita month 21

So my intentions in starting this blog was too write a little update on Mykita every far I am not doing so super, but maybe now I will be true.  Mykita is my little ray of sunshine.  This month she has taken to sleeping with Mom and Dad.  Even though our bed is 4 feet off the ground she doesn't have a problem getting on or off by herself and so far (cross my fingers) there has not been a incident where she has gotten hurt.  Most mornings I wake up to a cute little sleepy smile hovering over my head with crazy mussed up hair and Mykita saying "where dad" with her hands palm up?  She continues to ask me this question throughout the day.  She misses that guy!  (I do too).  My mom babysat her last week and said that Kita alternated between "where dad?" and "where mom?" throughout the morning.  Note: i don't think she listens to my answers! She is still a crazy climber and spends most of the day climbing to the top of the couch or on the elliptical.  If I am trying to do something and ignore her she will crawl up on my back and sit on my shoulders.  I have already taught her a few cheerleading stunts and she is proving to be quite a good little flyer.  She can do a shoulder stand and stand up in my hands too...we haven't tried any extensions yet (maybe I will wait until Dad is around).  She has great balance and is so strong.  Her legs are totally ripped!  She is talking a lot more and comes up with new words everyday.  My favorite trick is having her tell me what animal I am pointing to and what sound they make.  My favorite is the fish and for the sound she just opens and closes her mouth.   If I take out my camera to take a picture of her she will say cheese and do gopher face (she must have inherited that)  I truely do wish i could capture one of her sweet smiles but they are fleeting.  The camera sells guy told me to just video her in HD and then cut pictures out.  I might have to resort to that.  She loves technology and is taking over my new phone.  She knows how to turn on the music and will hold on to it, listening as she dances to the beat. She is also experimenting with different ways to walk: sometimes it is a march with knees up and sometimes it is a straight leg walk and sometime legs are flailing in all directions.  She cracks me up.  I cna almost see the wheels turning in her head when she thinks of something new to do.  I think she really likes making me laugh.  She will think of something and do it, then look over at me mischievously to see if I am laughing or not.  If I laugh then she does something else that is similar.  For example, tonight I was crocheting a hat and she picked up the string in her mouth and barked like a dog. Heehee.  Next she comes up and bites me.  Time out.  Speaking of, she responses really well to time out and normally even the threat of it will make her act better.  She loves being in social situations and having to be by herself is the worse punishment EVER.  It is interesting how quickly she can change her demeanor.  I feel like once I am mad I have to stay mad for a little while but she can be so mad at me but the second I pick her up and give her a hug she gives me a bright eyed grin and laughs.   I wish I could be more like that.  She loves book and also "shows".  I think I let her watch too much TV because I am so lazy. I keep the TV on to keep me company I think, she won't watch all day though.  She will normally only hold still for a few episodes and then shes back to climbing all over everything.  I need to kick the TV habitat though.  It is sad that it is getting so cold outside because Kita loves playing on the playground with her friends.  She mostly plays with the older girls: Lauren, Hannah, Emily and Megan.  Megan is just a few weeks older then her and they have a love hate relationship.  One day I went into nursery and the leaders told me they had to take Megan out because she was pulling Kita's hair with one hand and punching her in the face with the other.  Kita can hold her own though.  We call her the silent assassin because when she wants a toy she doesn't yell or anything she just stubbornly, quietly holds on while the other guy is screaming.  She is funny though because she is not afraid to hit or bite older kids but she is really gentle and nice to younger kids and babies and dogs.  She always goes up to Jovi and pats her on the head and gives her kisses. My friend Melissa has a baby, Jackson, and she likes to rub his head too.  I am glad that she is at least gentle with animals and younger kids.   Side note about animals:  When we were in PA we went with Valerie every Wednesday on a walk in the woods.  The first week we were there and I found a frog and made Mykita kiss the frog a lot of times so I could try to get a good picture. Then, two weeks later we again found a frog, both Reuben and Mykita run up to it with smoochy lips because that's what you do with frogs--kiss them!  Mykita is going to be a bunny for halloween.  She LOVES the outfit.  She first saw it at Mindy's and wanted to try it on and then wouldn't take it off.  She was sweating like crazy, her hair was in little ringlets but she wouldn't take off the bunny.  I think she will be a fun trick or treater.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mykita Belle 14 months

My name is Mykita Belle Martin.  I am adorable although I am also very curious, ingenious, creative and quite the little climber. My parents call me a lot of things, some of my favorite nicknames are: Stinker Belle, Kita Kong,  Baby Girl, Giblet, and Gremlin.  I love to read books and flip through pages. I often read to myself.  I am also a really great dancer and can really feel a beat.  Lately I have been in-cooperating really sweet hand moves.  I am pretty much awesome! I have been able to walk for a little while and now I am starting to go fast!  I still don't really have the coordination to do it so I fall and run into walls often but it doesn't stop me from trying.  I also really love being outside and swinging is my favorite thing to do. I touched the Pacific Ocean on Saturday and I really liked playing in the sand and walking along the pier. I have been to a lot of states: Utah, Idaho, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Wyoming, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, West Virgina, Maryland, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, and California. I don't really like traveling in the car but I am a pretty good sport, especially when my mom and dad play my favorite songs which are: Here in your Arms by Hello Goodbye, Shewolf by Shikira, and I Gotta Feeling by the Blackeyed Peas.